Patients Age: 89 Admission Date: 1/05/2018 Admitted From: Jupiter Medical Center Discharge Date: 1/25/2018 Discharged To: Assisted Living Center Length of Stay: 20 days Reason for Stay: Dysphagia, Oropharyngeal Phase, Hemiplegia and Hemiparesis following Cerebral Infarction How did this patient hear about Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center? Hospital Case Manager
Ms. Lue Bean is an 89-year-old female who has was admitted to Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center with diagnosis of left hemisphere CVA with right sided weakness including a right side facial droop resulting in anterior spillage of liquids and tongue biting during mastication. Ms. Bean was admitted from Jupiter Medical Center with orders of a mechanical soft diet and thin liquids. Ms. Bean suffered from a severe stroke, to the point she could not speak or vocalize cues. She worked hard and was able to regain her speech back! Her family was instrumental in giving her the motivation to speak again. While at her stay in Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, her family visited her every day!
Since being admitted to Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, Ms. Bean has improved significantly. She was participating in oral motor exercises via neural muscle electrical stimulation to increase facial symmetry, resulting in decreased occurrence of tongue biting during mastication and increased elimination of anterior spillage of liquids. Her diet upgraded to regular consistency. She was motivated for Speech Therapy sessions and appeared to be happy with the increased facial movement and diet upgraded to regular consistency.
Ms. Lue Bean enjoyed her time at Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. The staff was kind and helpful and was always there to address her needs. The social workers helped Ms. Bean to make the transition to the assisted living center. She is excited to start a new chapter in her journey and was very thankful for to the staff for that assistance.