Case Study: Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center (September 2020)

Patient’s Age: 67-years-old
Patient’s Name: Grace
Admission Date: 08/31/20
Admitted From: Jupiter Medical Center
Discharge Date: 09/24/20
Discharged To: Courtyard Gardens Assisted Living Community
Length of Stay: 24 Days
Reason for Stay: Acute comminuted fracture of right hip
How did this patient hear about Jupiter Rehabilitation? She was a previous patient and a family member is an employee.

Details of experience:
Grace was having a relaxing morning, enjoying her breakfast when she heard a knock on her door, she got up and went to answer the door only to find that there was no one there, she started to back up to go back inside when she tripped and fell down on her right side. She was taken to Jupiter Medical Center, where they diagnosed her with a fractured right hip. On August 26, 2020, Grace had surgery to repair her fracture.

Grace arrived at Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center on August 31, 2020. When she arrived, she was unable to ambulate and she needed assistance with all her activities of daily living and transfers. The interdisciplinary team worked closely together to create an individualized treatment plan for Grace to help her maximize her outcomes. She worked hard during her therapy session, maintaining a strong focus on her long term goals. Within the first couple of weeks, Grace progressed in all of her short term goals. Prior to her discharge, Grace was able to ambulate and participate in all of her activities of daily living independently.

Grace felt emotionally supported by not only her family member who worked in the community but the special relationship she created with her roommate. They both had a great time together. Despite how much she enjoyed her stay at Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, she was very happy to go home to her dog.

Team Jupiter was honored to be a part of her recovery and wishes her all the best!