Case Study: Jupiter (Q1 2024)

Concierge: Diva Ferreira
Patient: Marcie L. Aurebach
Patient Age: 71 Years
Admission Date: September 12, 2023
Discharge Date: TBD
Length of Stay: 120+ days
Admitted From: Good Samaritan Hospital
Reason for Stay: Bowel Obstruction, Multiple Sclerosis, GERD, Depression, Chronic Back Pain

Details of Experience:

On September 12, 2023, Mrs. Aurebach arrived at Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center at 3:18 pm. Her admitting diagnosis was Bowel Obstruction, Multiple Sclerosis, GERD, Depression, and Chronic Back Pain. The hospital she was admitted from was Good Samaritan Hospital, which is located in West Palm, Florida. She met TJ, her evening nurse, and James, her CNA, when she arrived. She was pleased to share a room with her husband Alan, whom she had not seen in some time. TJ and James made Marcie feel very comfortable on her first evening, and everything went well.

The following day, the patient met with Diva, the Director of Concierge Services, who made her feel welcome and comfortable. Diva truly listened and put the patient at ease. Marcie met Krystal, a very knowledgeable nurse, David, the physical therapist, and Collen, the occupational therapist. They were both very thorough when they did the evaluation. They stated that there were a few things that we would be working on for Marcie to regain her strength.

As time passed, Mrs. Aurebach felt more confident in her walking and strengthening. She felt that each day, she was getting stronger. She was amazed by the staff. Even though she didn’t know everyone who worked at Jupiter, everyone was friendly and always said hello. She truly enjoyed all the activities offered.

Mrs. Aurebach would like to thank the exceptional therapy department for everything they did to return her to her former self and the excellent CNAs and the Nurses for supporting my journey towards renewal.